Coluber Cable Blog

Why Does A High-Quality Speaker Wire And Audio Cables Matter?

Since the beginning of time, music lovers have fought over the quality of their cables. Some say that the quality of speaker cables is just as crucial as the Hi-Fi devices they link. Other listeners save money by purchasing low-cost wires, claiming that they do not affect audio quality.

This debate gets heat up whenever the music lovers claim that they know about the audio equipment or devices in detail. High-quality speaker wires and audio cables have their advantages and importance compared to low-quality speaker wires and cables. Low-quality speaker and line-level features connections can be doubtable to various ways of interference and other signal degradation, proven to add noise and affect on audio signal quality. Recovering it with perfect shielded, high-quality cables lets your system achieve to its full capability. Here in the article, you will learn about the importance of high-quality speakers and wires. So without wasting time, let’s just quickly read the full article.

What Speaker Wires And Cables Are?

The wire used for electrical contacts between speakers and amplifiers units is known as loudspeaker cable. Resistivity, capacitive, and Inductance are the three most critical electrical qualities. The most significant quality to consider is resistance. Low-resistance wire transmits more electricity from the sources to the speaker coil, resulting in increased power and sound. It’s that simple. You can even make your custom audio cable.

Make-up for speaker cables

Three key factors can influence the speaker cable’s rigidity:

Length: The loudspeaker wire’s capacitance is proportional to the extent. There are two main concepts to follow:

Keep sizes as brief as possible: To make your custom audio cable keep sizes as straightforward as possible because resistance is related to length; it’s evident that the shorter the length, the better. As a result, resistance is reduced to a minimum. However, to provide the desired stereo effect, the distance between the two speakers must be maintained.

Keep speaker wire lengths identical: Another guiding guideline is to keep the speaker wire lengths equal for both speakers. This will ensure that they both experience the same resistance, and the systems will be more harmonized.

What Things Are Responsible For Poor Performance Of Speaker Wires And Cables 

There are a few instances where employing wire incorrectly (or the incorrect type of wire) results in poor effectiveness:

Speaker wire consisting of non-cables

The coil is made by wrapping lengthy lengths of the cable into a loop 

Holes or cuts in speaker wire causes power flow issues.

Twisting wires together without making a suitable connection is an example of a failed link.

A heavily oxidized wire

Speaker box wires or associations that are loosely attached

Importance of Using High-Quality Speaker Wire And Cables

Speaker wires are sometimes ignored when purchasing a new stereo or speaker system. This is because purchasers spend nearly all of their income on a new audio system and wind up buying low-quality speaker cables. Speaker wires of poor quality prohibit the speaker system from working to its full potential. High-quality speaker cables offer several technological advantages not present in low-quality connections, making them an excellent investment. Let’s go through those advantages in the following article.

1) High-quality speaker cables are reliable and long-lasting.

The use of high-quality speaker wires increases the stability of the power. Speaker cables of higher grade are more durable and can survive the rigors of transportation better than speaker cables of lower quality. They’re also less prone to corrosion. The sheath of high-grade speaker cables is usually of higher quality. The sheath is the cable’s outer coating. A thicker, higher-quality sheathing will last longer and be less prone to split or be damaged. Higher-grade cables that must trail on the floor can withstand being stepped on from time to time without compromising the cable’s quality.

2) Several Shielding Layers in High-End Speaker Cables

The coatings that loop around the wire cores to minimize signal loss and limit interference are shielding. Shielding is thick and inter in high-quality cables. Internal wires are wrapped in one or two layers of protection beneath the sheath in the best cables. Crosstalk, or the clashing of opposing wires, is prevented by this type of cable, leading to a drop in quality. Many layers of shields help to eliminate outside background interference while ensuring that the least amount of signal is lost throughout data transfer.

3) High-quality speaker cables deliver great audio quality.

The sound quality of speakers linked to high-quality cables is greatly improved. The data frames that move down the wires are best protected by high-quality cables because there is less value loss. This implies that most of the information received from the input method reaches the external device undamaged, with no data being modified in the process, resulting in exceptionally exact audio duplication with pleasant quality.

4) Using High-Quality Speaker Cables to Reduce Inductance

High-quality speaker cables have lower Inductance, which improves the cable’s efficiency. By clustering resistors and twisting them into many connections, this can be accomplished. They’re wired in such a way that the components run in opposing directions, providing a magnetic field that lowers the cable’s impedance.

5) Using High-Quality Speaker Cables to Reduce the Skin Impact

The skin effect occurs when excessive sound waves do not pass consistently and evenly through the wires, instead of gliding over the conductors’ uppermost layer or skin. This results in an unappealing composite effect, and the audio loses a significant amount of quality. The interior wires of increased speaker cables are arranged in a tight configuration to compel the signals to travel consistently through the cables, reducing maximum signal skimming.

6) Core Quality of Speaker Cables

Copper is the most widely used material used in the core of speaker cables. High-quality cores improve resistivity and aid in protecting the packet data as they move over the wire. Based on the cable arrangement, insulation, wrapping, and structure, cables with a typical copper base can still be high-grade. Oxygen-reduced copper and purified copper with contaminants eliminated are also utilized in high-quality speaker cables. High-quality speaker wires with silver and gold cores are also accessible.


If you have a low-quality speaker wire and cable, replace it with a high-quality speaker wire and cable to improve your sound quality! A suitable cable allows your system to operate at its best while staying true to the source content. It can improve your overall system performance by exposing stronger, more distinct bass and precise projection across the frequency range and enhancing rapid responsiveness, dynamic clarity, and precision. So what are you waiting for?